Step into the spotlight of collaboration with the legendary Sasha Velour, 
where I proudly serve as the animator behind the scenes!
Smoke and Mirrors, 2019
Still of an animation for 'Smoke and Mirrors', 2019
Since our partnership ignited in 2019, I've been honoured to bring Sasha's vision to life through captivating 2D animations, edits, and title sequences for her electrifying live performances.
Nightgowns, 2020
Stills of some animations I worked on for Sasha's show  'Nightgowns', 2020​​​​​​​
Our collaborations thrive on Sasha's incredible creativity and vision. On 'Nightgowns', Sasha provided the designs of the matryoshka, and I crafted powerful edits and dynamic animations to accompany her live lip-sync, elevating the performance to new heights and adding another layer to the narrative of her shows. 
The Big Reveal, 2022
Extract of an animation for Sasha's current live show. 
'The Big Reveal', 2022. 

Animation projected in front of Sasha, who lipsynchs live 
with the bird animation flying around her. 
They've entrusted me with tight deadlines, where I've designed and animated from start to finish on mockups or live footage for their live shows. These moments of trust have been exhilarating challenges, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation to deliver impactful visuals that enhance Sasha's performances.

Our latest collaboration on 'Reach Out For Me', a 3 minutes video blending live footage with intricate animations, showcases our dedication to delivering powerful and campy spectacles in record time. 
Reach Out For Me, 2023
"We both think this is in such an amazing piece. The work you’ve done is really incredible and we’re so excited!" - Johnny Velour 
Teaming up with Sasha and Johnny Velour has been a source of endless inspiration, pushing creative boundaries with every project. 

For an unforgettable experience, catch Sasha's show live, where all my animations will be brought to life! Head to her website for more info!

Creative Direction : Sasha Velour
Tour Producer : Johnny Velour​​​​​​​

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